Buddy von Karlsbad
Buddy is a sweet 2 year 9 month old, 85lb Black and Tan Shepherd mix. He is extremely lucky to have been rescued from the shelter on his very last day at 5 minutes before closing. When the foster family picked him up from the shelter he jumped happily into the back of the car and in no time jumped to the seat in front where he sat on the foster mom’s lap with his head out the window wagging his tail and loving life! He is neutered and micro-chipped and is trained. He’s a bit rusty on his stay but he has very good basic commands and obeys subtle correction. He is calm, alert, confident and loyal and will stay by your side but is also happy on his own. You can leave him alone and he doesn’t whine or bark. He likes to play catch with a tennis ball and will drop it easily for you when its time to throw again. He is also good on a leash and walks well with his two foster buddies and doesn’t get bothered by other barking dogs. He is house broken and takes treats gently. Come meet this boy, he’ll make a wonderful “Buddy”! |
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